if you can dream it, you can do it.
Friday 28 October 2011 @ 11:02 pm
We Got Married is a korean reality show, showed by MBC. format reality show ini mempertemukan dua orang selebriti, dan mereka dijadiin couple, atau lebih tepatnya dijadiin kaya orang married sih. Mereka akan dikasih jatah ketemuan berapa kali seminggu atau berapa minggu sekali, dan setiap pertemuan akan ada semacam misi yang harus mereka selesaiin. Aku kurang tahu masa popularitas reality show ini di Korea sana udah lewat atau belum, tapi meskipun udah lewat pun tenang aja, thanks to internet, kita tetep bisa nonton tiap episodenya lewat video- video di internet kok :)

We Got Married sekarang udah sampai season 3, tapi aku baru ngikutin yang season 1 sama season 2 nya. Here's some popular couples

Season 1

season 1 ini couplenya ada banyak banget, sekali show bisa sekitar 4-5 couple, but these are the most popular, dan yang aku ikutin :p

AlShin couple
Alex Chu, a singer from Clazziquai and ShinAe, a model and actress. they are popular because Alex was so sweet and gentle to her. they also called as Romantic couple. Unfortunately, although i love them so much during the 1st season, ShinAe has already married with another man :( 

'A' couple
Crown J and Seo In Young of Jewelry. they called A couple because Crown J liked to use his two finger and turned it down so it made an A form.

JoongBo couple
Kim Hyun Joong of SS501 and HwangBo

Season 2
 Adam couple
Jo Kwon of 2AM and GaIn of Brown Eyed Girls
mereka bisa dibilang pasangan yang paling populer sepanjang sejarah reality show ini. they called adam because they both are petite. petite and adam sound similar in Korea. Jo Kwon yang emang kocak banget dan Gain yang cool, they are perfect combination! even both of them admit kalau salah satu dari mereka nembak yang lainnya, mereka bakal nerima :) sampai sekarang hubungan mereka masih baik :)

Khuntoria couple
Nickhun of 2PM and Victoria of f(x)
they also called international couple because they both are not from Korea. Nickhun from Thailand, and Victoria from China. They were the longest last couple, about 2 years.

 YongSeo couple
 Yonghwa of CNBlue and Seohyun of SNSD
they also called guguma couple because Seohyun like guguma so much, even Yonghwa bought her a sweet potato farm for a present. yang bikin mereka menyenangkan itu tingkah laku Seohyun yang polos ^^

We Got Married bisa dilihat disini, disini :) the show is very entertaining! enjoy the show yourself and laugh along with it!

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